Wednesday 21 January 2015

ERPNext: Print Format Of Sales Invoice

{%- macro add_header(page_num, max_pages, doc, letter_head, no_letterhead) -%}
    {% if letter_head and not no_letterhead %}
    <div class="letter-head">{{ letter_head }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {%- if doc.meta.is_submittable and doc.docstatus==0-%}
    <div class="alert alert-info text-center">
        <h4 style="margin: 0px;">{{ _("DRAFT") }}</h4></div>
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if doc.meta.is_submittable and doc.docstatus==2-%}
    <div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
        <h4 style="margin: 0px;">{{ _("CANCELLED") }}</h4></div>
    {%- endif -%}
    {% if max_pages > 1 %}
    <p class="text-right">{{ _("Page #{0} of {1}").format(page_num, max_pages) }}</p>
    {% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}

{{ add_header(0,1,doc,letter_head, no_letterhead) }}

<p class="text-center"><b>{{ _("Sales Invoice") }}</b></p><br>

<div class="row">       
     <div class="col-xs-6">           
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-5 text-right"><label>Customer Name:</label></div>
            <div class="col-xs-7 ">{{ doc.customer }} </div>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-5 text-right"><label>Billing Address</label></div>
            <div class="col-xs-7 ">{{ doc.address_display }}</div>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-5 text-right"><label>Payment Due Date</div>
            <div class="col-xs-7 ">{{ doc.due_date }}</div>

    <div class="col-xs-6">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-5 text-right"><label>Invoice No:</label></div>
            <div class="col-xs-7 ">{{ }} </div>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-5 text-right"> <label>DATE:</label> </div>
            <div class="col-xs-7 "> {{ doc.get_formatted("posting_date") }}<br> </div>

<table class="table table-condensed table-hover table-bordered">
            <th class="text-right">Qty</th>
            <th class="text-right">Rate</th>
            <th class="text-right">Amount</th>
        {%- for row in doc.entries -%}
            <td style="width: 3%;">{{ row.idx }}</td>
            <td style="width: 57%;">{{ row.description }}</td>
            <td style="width: 10%; text-align: right;">{{ row.qty }} {{ row.uom or row.stock_uom }}</td>
            <td style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">{{
                row.get_formatted("rate", doc) }}</td>
            <td style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">{{
                row.get_formatted("amount", doc) }}</td>
        {%- endfor -%}
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
    <td width="50%">
        <p>{% if doc.terms %} <b>{{ _("Auxiliary Information") }}: </b>{{ doc.terms or "" }}
        {%- endif -%}
       <p style="font-size:12px">{% if doc.in_words_export %}
        <b>{{ _("Total Amount (In Words)") }}: </b><br>
            {{ doc.in_words_export }}
        {%- endif -%}
    <table class="table table-condensed">
        <td height="100px"; valign="top">
            <b>{{ _("Received By:") }}</b>
            <b>{{ _("Customer Sign") }}</b>

        <table class="table table-condensed">
                <td class="text-right" style="width: 30%">
                    {{ _("Net Total") }}
                <td class="text-right">
                    {{ doc.get_formatted("net_total_export") }}
            {%- for row in doc.other_charges -%}
            {%- if not row.included_in_print_rate -%}
            {%- if row.tax_amount -%}
            <tr height:100%>
                <td class="text-right" style="width: 70%">
                    {{ row.description }}
                <td class="text-right">
                    {{ row.get_formatted("tax_amount", doc) }}
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
            {%- if doc.discount_amount -%}
                <td class="text-right" style="width: 70%">
                    {{ _("Discount") }}
                <td class="text-right">
                    {{ doc.get_formatted("discount_amount") }}
            {%- endif -%}
                <td class="text-right" style="width: 70%">
                    <big><b>{{ _("Grand Total") }}</b></big>
                <td class="text-right">
                    <big><b>{{ doc.get_formatted("grand_total_export") }}</b></big>


{% if doc.get("other_charges", filters={"included_in_print_rate": 1}) %}
<p><b>Taxes Included:</b></p>
<table class="table table-condensed no-border">
        {%- for row in doc.other_charges -%}
        {%- if row.included_in_print_rate -%}
            <td class="text-right" style="width: 70%">

                {{ row.description }}
            <td class="text-right">
                {{ row.get_formatted("tax_amount", doc) }}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

1 comment:

  1. can u plz create the same custom for me please contact me @
